It's time! KFMH's physical activity guideline. We recommend a goal of an average of ≥10-15, ideally ≥22, minutes of daily exercise.
Why do you recommend a goal of an average of ≥10-15, ideally ≥22 minutes/day of daily exercise?
Many studies show that great health benefits can come from even small amounts of moderate-to-high-intensity exercise. In addition, exercise can be considered the “gateway drug” to health – when done regularly, it gives you more energy, helps you sleep better, reduces stress, and makes you want (and able) to eat smarter, therefore helping you achieve and maintain a normal weight. National guidelines recommend ≥150 minutes per week, and 22 (minutes per day) x 7 (days per week) = 154 minutes! However, if that seems unrealistic for you at first, we recommend setting a more realistic goal (consider 10-15 minutes/day on average). On the other hand, if you feel your goals are not being met by 22 minutes/day, you are more than welcome to do more!
What constitutes “exercise”?
To keep things simple, we define moderate-intensity exercise as any sustained activity that makes your heart rate go above 100 or makes you huff and puff (an indirect measurement of muscle activity). Physical activity that gets you moving without causing your heart rate to go above 100 or making you huff and puff (such as walking your dog) is considered mild activity and can count for 50% of moderate-intensity exercise (e.g., if you walk for 30 minutes, report 15). We also strongly encourage you to perform resistance exercises a couple of times per week, as per national guidelines.
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